OSHO: In Love with Life

In_Love_with_LifePerhaps only a contemporary mystic like Osho could truly understand a Western philosopher and mystic like Nietzsche. In Love with Life Osho shares his understanding of both Nietzsche the man and of his seminal work, with extraordinary clarity and relevance.

The result is an enchanting journey through a world where life is celebrated, not renounced, and where timeless truths prevail over the lies and distortions that continue to cripple our efforts to become healthy and whole.

In ten selected chapters Nietzsche is rescued from any misunderstanding and appropriation of his work, and Osho adds dimensions to his work.

“I have chosen to speak on a few fragments which may be helpful to you, for your spiritual growth.”   – Osho

In his preface to Ecce Homo, Friedrich Nietzsche says: “With [Thus Spoke Zarathustra] I have given mankind the greatest present that has ever been made to it so far. This book, with a voice bridging centuries, is not only the highest book there is, the book that is truly characterized by the air of the heights — the whole fact of man lies beneath it at a tremendous distance — it is also the deepest, born out of the innermost wealth of truth, an inexhaustible well to which no pail descends without coming up again filled with gold and goodness.” Here, the reader learns much about the mysterious and revolutionary Persian mystic Zarathustra (Zoroaster), whom Nietzsche chose as a spokesperson. 

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OSHO: Dang Dang Doko Dang – The Sound of the Empty Drum


We released this week a new edition of this ‘Osho Classic’ in print and eBook format.

Print Book:  AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBook DepositoryOther Sources

eBookKindle  –  iBook  –  BAM!Nook –  KoboOthers

Osho sees Zen not as a historical spiritual tradition, but as the future of a humanity that has matured to the point that people no longer need religions controlled by “priesthoods” and based on fearful superstitions that cripple people’s innate intelligence and divide them from one another. This book offers a deeper understanding of the underlying differences between Eastern and Western approaches to religion and the nature of consciousness. It’s a beautiful introduction to a world where each individual has the capacity for an instant and profound understanding of existence, and a rebirth of the trust in life that each of us are born with. “Dang Dang Doko Dang” represents the sound of the drum beaten by a Zen master in an existential lesson for a disciple. As well as symbolizing the poetic quality of Zen, the title represents the special flavor of this collection of Osho’s commentaries on well-known Zen stories. This volume is part of the “OSHO Classics” series and also includes Osho’s responses to questions about the meditation technique of Zazen.

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Meditation for Busy People – Online Course

On 13. March 2015 we started our new online audio program: Meditation for Busy People.

Program & Book



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OSHO Transformation Tarot

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Paperback: 192 pages, 60 cards, Publisher: Osho Media International; Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0918963086; Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 1.5 x 3.2 inches; List Price: $16.95

Order from:  AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBook DepositoryOther Sources. Also available as App for your smartphone.

Osho is a master storyteller of our times, who has an uncommon knack for bringing the timeless wisdom of ancient parables right into the 21st century, making them relevant for contemporary life. The “Osho Transformation Tarot” contains parables and teaching stories from the world’s greatest wisdom traditions – including Zen, Buddhism, Sufism, Tantra, Tao, Christian and Jewish mysticism. This book, and the accompanying 60 beautiful cards which illustrate the stories, help the reader to a better understanding of their true feelings and insights about a given situation. The book includes suggestions for a variety of simple card readings and Osho’s insights offer the reader new dimensions of understanding and transformation. Readers can choose one card and read the accompanying story as a theme for contemplation during the day. Or, they can arrange several cards in any of the simple layouts suggested in this book, to gain insight into a particular life situation.

Watch a short video what Osho says about Oracles, Tarot and Other Divination Tools YouTube Preview Image

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OSHO: No Greater Enjoyment than that of Sharing!

IMG_1559“There is no greater enjoyment than that of sharing something. Have you given something to somebody? That’s why people enjoy giving gifts so much. It is a sheer delight. When you give something to somebody maybe valueless, may not be of much value but just the way, just the gesture that you give, satisfies tremendously. Just think of a person whose whole life is a gift, whose every moment is a sharing – he lives in heaven.” – Osho

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What Are Kids Reading These Days?

 Reading Osho – The First Mentioning of Jaden and Willow Smith in Their New York Times Joined Interview

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When kids confront or – should we better say shock society – with an independent approach to life, with self-confidence and strength, they are immediately catching everybody’s attention, especially when they are celebrities like Jaden and Willow Smith. Since they recommended Osho to a whole young generation, parts of the press and international media have focused on this and here they go again surprising the media when the very first lines in a recent New York Times interview draw the attention again to Osho. 

“Q. What have you been reading?
A. WILLOW: Quantum physics. Osho.
A. JADEN: “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” and ancient texts; things that can’t be pre-dated.”

The international press and media is of course quick in analyzing and judging the two teenagers as as “bizarre” “confusing” and “insane” which makes such a good point of what Osho states when he says:

“When a child enters the school he is far more intelligent than when he comes back from the university. Those twenty years will destroy much that was immensely valuable. The real diamonds will be lost and he will carry just words, jargon, theories, knowledge. He will have sold his intelligence and he will have brought home just dead knowledge, dead weight, dead wood, and he will live with that knowledge his whole life. Still, we don’t have an educational system which helps people to become intelligent.

That’s why all over the world in all the universities there is great ferment, great rebellion. It is a good sign: it simply indicates that the young people of the world are becoming more and more alert that what is called education is not education but a kind of conditioning, a hypnosis. The older generation tries to mold the mind of the new generation. The teacher is just an agent of the older generation. The teacher is respected by the older generation because he is the agent: he corrupts the minds of the new, but the corruption is done with such skill that you will not become aware unless you are really alert, watchful.”

“As a person grows old, he finds himself getting out of touch with the new generation that is growing. The fault is not of the new generation, the fault is of the old man who has nothing but memory, and memory belongs to the past and the past is no longer there. The new generation is more responsive to the present – that creates the gap. The old generation always wants old answers, old scriptures, old saints; the older they are the more true.”

“The old generation has not to teach what it has learnt; the old generation has to help the child to be more intelligent so that he can be capable of spontaneously responding to the new realities which will be coming. The old generation cannot even dream about them, what those realities will be.”

Books by Osho from Osho Media International: http://goo.gl/QcouqK

See also: Pillars of Consciousness Meet Pillars of Fashion

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OSHO: Hsin Hsin Ming: The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness

The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness

Series: OSHO Classics, Paperback: 260 pages, Publisher: Osho Media International
Language: English, ISBN-13: 978-0983640097;  9780880503464

Print: Amazon  Barnes&Noble  Books a Million  Book Depository  Other SourceseBookKindle  Nook BAM!  Kobo  eBook Mall  iBook  Other

CoverUnderstanding our minds and consciousness are topics high on everybody’s list of important issues. Science and psychology are delivering every day captivating news of understanding in this area. 

In this extraordinary series of talks, Osho lays out a clear understanding of the difference between mind and consciousness, and the role that the brain plays in the two – a difference that Western science has been struggling to define for decades, but that Zen has known for centuries through first-hand experience. Along the way he also sheds light on the differences between meditation as practice and as a state of being, and what choiceless awareness really means in everyday life and relating.

Osho relates to a classic Zen work, Hsin Hsin Ming, Verses on the Faith-Mind by Sosan [Seng-t’san] which is considered to be the first Chinese Zen document. It is extraordinarily straightforward in its message, cutting straight to the point of where it aims to take the Zen experience – to a state of thought-free awareness in the present moment

“If I were to save only two books from the whole world of the mystics, one would be Sosan’s Hsin Hsin Ming,” Osho says. “It contains the quintessence of Zen, the path of awareness and meditation…the very soul of Zen.”

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OSHO: Meditation for Busy People


  • Paperback: 166 pages, Publisher: Osho Media International (Oct, 2014)
  • Language: English, ISBN-13: 978-1938755811 and 9780880507738

Amazon  Barnes&Noble  Books a Million  Book Depository  Other Sources; eBOOKKindle  BAM!  Kobo  eBook Mall  iBook  Other

Meditation for Busy People offers simple strategies to reduce tension, minimize chronic stress, and quickly relax and unwind. Nobody needs meditation more than people who have no time to meditate. These busy people may have tried meditation but given it up, as it seems so difficult to integrate into a hectic lifestyle. Most traditional meditation techniques were developed thousands of years ago for people living a very different lifestyle than today. Few people today find it easy to just sit down and relax. Meditation for Busy People is filled with methods that can actually be integrated into everyday life. A morning commute becomes a centering exercise, and the street noises outside an apartment window in the city become an aid rather than a distraction to finding the silent space within. Both active and passive meditation techniques are covered, and the aim of all the techniques is to teach the practitioner how to find the stillness in the storm of everyday life. Many methods are specially designed to be integrated into the reader’s everyday routines, so that they soon can tackle even the most hectic day with an attitude of relaxed calm and playfulness.

Most traditional meditation techniques were developed thousands of years ago for people living a very different lifestyle than today. Few people today find it easy to just sit down and relax. Meditation for Busy People is filled with methods that can actually be integrated into everyday life. A morning commute becomes a centering exercise, and the street noises outside an apartment window in the city become an aid rather than a distraction to finding the silent space within. Both active and passive meditation techniques are covered, and the aim of all the techniques is to teach the practitioner how to find the stillness in the storm of everyday life. Many methods are specially designed to be integrated into the reader’s everyday routines, so that they soon can tackle even the most hectic day with an attitude of relaxed calm and playfulness.

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OSHO: Body Mind Balancing: Using Your Mind to Heal Your Body

Body-Mind-BalancingMany everyday discomforts and tensions arise from the fact that we are alienated from our bodies. With the help of Body Mind Balancing, readers will learn to talk to and reconnect with their bodies. After just a short time, readers will begin to appreciate how much the body has been working for them and supporting them, and from this new perspective one can find new ways to work with the body and create a more harmonious balance of body and mind.

The guided meditation and relaxation process, “OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind” is a CD that accompanies the text. Developed by Osho, this meditative therapy guides the listener in reconnecting with his or her body and creating a new and greater sense of well-being.


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OSHO: The Search – Finding Your Inner Power, Your Potential

OSHO-The SearchISBN-13: 9781938755941, 9780880503501; Publisher: Osho Media International; Publication date: 7/29/2014; Series: OSHO Classics Series.                                                                                                                             PRINT: Amazon; Barnes&Noble, Books a Million, Book Depository; Other Sources; eBOOKS: Kindle, Nook, BAM!, iBook, Kobo, Others

Human beings have an inbuilt drive or urge to search for the inner power that is needed to reach our true potential. This search is the search for the origins and meaning of life itself. 

We are here, we have life – but we don’t know what life really is. We can feel our energy, but don’t know where this energy comes from and to what goal this energy is going. We are that energy, we have glimpses of its true source and our connection to it, and those glimpses keep us going even when it seems we will never find what we are seeking – but still we do not know what that energy is.

An ancient Zen story symbolizes the search for the source of this life. Zen master Kakuan’s story of The Ten Bulls of Zen is a teaching that uses ten images, each representing a particular step on the journey of experiencing and understanding it means to be a conscious and aware human being.

Osho takes us through this story and its lessons for the traveler on a journey into the inner world – that’s what meditation is all about according to him. But reaching the pure, uncluttered freedom of meditation is not the end. The circle is only complete when the seeker comes back into the marketplace of the world, but as a transformed person.

This is a book that belongs in the hands of everyone who is on the search, beginning the search, or just thinking about the search.

The book is illustrated with ten original images of Gomizen’s Ten Bulls of Zen from the Fuzoku Tenri Library, Tenri University, Japan.

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