Access Your Intuition:
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Building on the huge popularity of the OSHO ZEN TAROT we have created an iPhone app that allows you to do a reading on the go, anywhere anytime.
Traditionally, Tarot has been used to try and predict the future – what will happen with our relationships, money, health, career, or any of the dozens of other life issues that we face every day. Zen, however, focuses on the here and now. Where does the future come from, after all? It is born out of the seeds that we plant today. So the more intelligent and aware we can be in the present, the greater likelihood that the next moment will unfold just exactly as it should. The OSHO Zen Tarot is designed to help us to take a moment and turn our attention away from outside preoccupations, and to get in touch with our inner intuition and knowing.
It is the voice of this intuition and knowing that unfailingly guides us in the right direction, and the Osho Zen Tarot simply helps us to listen to it.
Included Features:
– All 7 layouts
– All Cards
– Osho Commentary
– Commentary
– Guide
– Help
– Quick Readings
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