OSHO: Emotions Freedom from Anger, Jealousy and Fear

Always in My Pocket!

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EmotionsA small book in format only – a big one in terms of content. Paperback: 152 pages; Publisher: Osho Media International; Language: English; ISBN-13: 978-1938755927; Dimensions: 6.1 x 4 x 0.5 inches.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         This book is a simple guide to a better understanding of emotions. Anger, jealousy, and fear are the three big topics of this book, together with some simple meditations to deal with these emotions. The book consist of short quotes and text excerpts, giving the reader unusual and new insights into an understanding of emotions. Our feelings play a profound role in how we feel about ourselves, and they can even affect our physical health. Often we are trapped in the dilemma between “expression” and “repression.” Although expressing our emotions can easily scare or hurt others, by repressing them we risk hurting ourselves. Osho offers a third alternative: to understand the roots of our emotions and develop the knack of watching them and learning from them as they arise, rather than being “taken over” by them. Eventually we find that even the most challenging and difficult situations no longer have the power to provoke us and cause us pain. This title is available as a trade paperback edition and in all eBook formats.



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4 Responses to OSHO: Emotions Freedom from Anger, Jealousy and Fear

  1. shiva raj says:

    what is the best book of osho regarding emotions and related and which book has sold more number of copies ,which book has got good reviews ?

  2. Teddy Misganaw says:

    I like this man.

  3. meenu says:

    I passing through d same in my domestic life.i realise my anger…so dont waste time in argue back…sm it becomes harder second time when same situation again comes…and ur silence is misunderstood by the other person as ur weakness…that time i had brust my anger in words…n situation is more complicated now.anger is gone bt i m thinking over it that it wud bring depression if i dont..bt dont know what to do now

  4. fayza says:

    i do have alot of fear in me as i am depression pateint i dont expirince life as it is i am confused in may relations i feel life is just to run and coperate

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