“The Buddha Said…: Meeting the Challenge of Life’s Difficulties”
Just a few years ago when I presented some of our Osho titles on Buddhism to our international publishers, I did not get much response. Even the most fancy presentation could not get any publisher excited to sign up any of these titles.
Over the last year we have seen a drastic change after we signed a number of titles like “The Buddha Said…” and “Buddha – His Life and Teachings” with a number of publishers in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian language. It looks like that Osho’s unique presentation of Buddha’s teachings are finding an audience which is interested in Buddha and Buddhist teachings, but are turned of by the dry and backwards presentation of traditional books.

Reader reviews for “The Buddha Said…” ar giving an interesting picture what people find in Osho’s contemporary presentation of Buddha’s message.
For more information of available titles, contact us or arrange a meeting at the upcoming London International Book Fair in April 2008.
Very good Klaus! Would like to read more about Osho publishing stories.