The ‘Baltic Times’ just published an article about the immense popularity of books by Osho in Latvian language. Latvia belongs to a group of countries which used to be under the control of the former Soviet Union and Osho’s books were banned in almost all Communist countries. Only since a few years these countries can freely publish these books and record numbers are in print during the last years in most of these countries.
WORD OF MOUTH: Books by Osho which have now been translated into Latvian.
“RIGA – It is hard to walk into a bookstore in Riga without seeing Osho’s name. Prominent displays featuring his books abound – offering customers a little bit of Far East spiritualism in hard cover or paperback.
A quick glance through the bookshelves in most Latvian’s homes will reveal why the stores have him on display – the man sells. His works have become the most popular self-help books around.
When The Baltic Times got in touch with the major bookstores operating in Latvia, there was no hesitation. Everyone knew who he was and was quick to discuss his growing popularity.
“Last year he started to publish his books in Latvian, now there are quite many titles and they are some of the bestsellers. We now have six titles available in Latvian,” said Laura Briviba, head of the imported books division at Janis Roze, one of the biggest book stores in Riga.
Valters un Rapa, Riga’s other major book store, is also seeing Osho fly off the shelves. The sales manager there said the store sold more than 67 copies of one of his books in just one month. The store currently sells five different titles by Osho.
What’s more, many Latvians are starting to change their lives based on Osho’s works. The Baltic Times spoke with one avid Osho fan who said the works are changing both the way he acts and the way he thinks about life. For the purposes of privacy, this article will refer to him simply as A.
A.’s face lit up when he spoke about Osho, pointing to how he sees aspects of the book’s teachings in everyday life, and how the books are changing his view of the world.
“After reading the book, I quit smoking… I now see things differently; I try to be in harmony with myself, not with others. I must be honest with myself, and why should I care what other people think?” A. said.”
Excerpt from the article published Feb 06, 2008, by Talis Saule Archdeacon.
© The Baltic Times
Wow! Impressive presentation of Osho books. I did not know so much was happening regarding Osho publication.
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