Europe’s Highest Court Confirms OSHO Trademark

EU General Court confirms OSHO Trademark of OSHO International Foundation

Twenty seven years after his departure, the contemporary mystic Osho, know through his many books and world-wide-known meditations, made again history, this time in a European court, the highest court of the European Union.

OSHO Trademark

The General Court of the European Union (EGC) decided on 11. October 2017 in an unusually detailed decision about the validity of the trademark ‘OSHO’ in favor of the trademark owner Osho International Foundation which is pleased to announce that the General Court of the European Union has now confirmed  that “OSHO” is a trademark owned by OSHO International Foundation in the territory of the European Union and its 28 member states.

After a seven-year-long case, the Foundation has successfully defended the mark for all entities working in collaboration with the Foundation, hundreds of OSHO Meditation Centers, many international publishers, entities and individuals supporting Osho’s proposal and vision.

The court’s ruling confirmed the trademark under which the Foundation operates since 1990, strongly  confirmed two previous decisions of the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in first instance and an Appeal No. R199712014-4 that “the [Foundation] operates under the name of OSHO, explicitly aims at promoting the lifework and visions of OSHO and consequently brands all its activities under this mark.” This final decision explicitly prevents now anyone from attempting to exploit the worldwide recognition of OSHO as a way of publicizing his or her own personal agendas, ideas, or offerings under the brand-name OSHO.

With this, the foundation was confirmed as the guardian and source for Osho’s work that is carried out and shared by many who contribute to the proposal as Osho has laid it out, also confirmed was that the name OSHO is not in the public domain, not available for personal or commercial use by people who feel inspired by Osho. The mark was confirmed as “distinctive” to identify goods and services as originating from a particular source, in this case Osho International Foundation. Osho had assigned and directed that the guardianship of his intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks and personality rights are with the Foundation.

The foundation is particularly happy to know that Osho’s specific request to ensure that his name and work were protected in law exactly as his previous name had been protected – since 1978! In making this request, Osho specifically warned that without the protection provided by law, people would try and include all kinds of nonsense under the umbrella of his name.

The three judges of Europe’s highest court confirmed and agreed in every single point with the previous confirming decisions of the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

OSHO International Foundation is delighted to be able to continue to support Osho’s specific guidance to “Keep the message pure, twenty-four carat gold.”

Contact: Osho International Foundation,



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OSHO: Earthen Lamps – Parables and Anecdotes

Earthen Lamps: 60 Parables and Anecdotes to Light Up Your Heart

One needs41k3ajz32al-_sx403_bo1204203200_-1 a very sympathetic ear and a very sympathetic heart to understand these beautiful parables, which are a rarity in Osho’s work because they don’t come from the talks that have made him so famous — the parables are actually written by him. Mystics like Buddha and Jesus talked in parables — and in his book Osho provides us with sixty parables, anecdotes, and stories that speak directly to us — contemporary people of the modern age. These parables and their metaphors are all very simple, and because they are so simple they have a purity, they are unpolluted by complicated rationalizations of the modern mind. They are straightforward and direct, aimed to the heart like an arrow.

In these parables Osho says in a poetic way things that cannot be said in prose. He is expressing things from the heart, things that cannot be expressed by the head. Each parable is a lesson to bring insights into one of the most important issues we face in life.

As he points out, a parable is a way to talk in pictures and not in words. And in our dreams, we are again living in parables because the unconscious understands only pictures. Your conscious has become trained for language, words, but the unconscious is still that of a child.

When a mystic like Osho wants to communicate something from his innermost depth to your innermost depth — he uses parables. They function like a seed, hovering around the consciousness and emerging into sharp focus when our everyday life experiences bring an opportunity to apply their lessons. It is very easy to remember them.

In the preface to this book, Osho writes: “What do I find when I look deeply into man? I find that man, too, is an earthen lamp! But he is not just a lamp made of clay; in him there is also a flame of light that is constantly rising towards the sun. Only his body is made of earth, his soul is that very flame.”

Paperback: 190 pages |Publisher: Osho Media International Language: English Print ISBN-13: 978-1938755873 | eBook ISBN-13: 978-0-88050-074-6

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For Five Thousand Years the Politician and the Priest Have Been in the Same Business

finale-2For Five Thousand Years the Politician and the Priest Have Been in the Same Business

These criminals are thought to be great leaders and saints, in fact they are conspiring together against humanity. The politician rules the outside and the priest rules the inside, supporting each other in their attempt to dominate humanity.

In a climate where many people are not happy with their personal life, social environment and politics, it is easy to project this anger-energy without reflection and without understanding where the roots of the problems really are.

In this new edition and provocative volume, Osho challenges us to look through his microscope and examine not only the profound influence of religion and politics in society, but also its influence in our inner world. To the extent we have internalized and adopted as our own the values and belief systems of the “powers that be,” he says, we have boxed ourselves in, imprisoned ourselves, and tragically crippled our vision of what is possible.  A new kind of world is possible — but only if we understand clearly how the old has functioned up to now. And, based on that understanding, take the responsibility and the courage to become a new kind of human being.

From Occupy Wall Street to the Arab Spring, from the election of the first Black president in the  US to a new pope who promises to use St. Francis of Assisi as a role model (following endless scandals involving child abuse) the roles of priests and politicians in our public life have recently captured the attention of our times, often just initiating another round of hope and subsequent disillusionment.
In other words, wittingly or unwittingly, we keep digging ourselves deeper into the mess we are in.

You have to be aware who the real criminals are. The problem is that those criminals are thought to be great leaders, sages, saints, mahatmas. So I have to expose all these people because they are the causes. For example, it is easier to understand that perhaps politicians are the causes of many problems: wars, murders, massacres, burning people. It is more difficult when it comes to religious leaders, because nobody has raised his hand against them. They have remained respectable for centuries, and as time goes on their respectability goes on growing. The most difficult job for me is to make you aware that these people — knowingly or unknowingly, that does not matter — have created this world.”

Series: Spiritually Incorrect®  Publisher: Osho Media International

Paperback: 192 pp [ Pre-Order Now]  eBook edition [Order Now]

ISBN-13: 978-1938755880                     ISBN-13: 978-0-88050-070-8

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EU Intellectual Property Office Confirms OSHO Trademark

EU Intellectual Property Office Confirms OSHO Trademark

Decision In Favor of Osho International Foundation

ALICANTE, SPAIN –On appeal from an earlier decision, the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) once again confirmed on 23rd September 2015 the validity of the European Trademark “OSHO,” as well as ownership of the trademark by Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. (“OIF”) [Appeal No. R199712014-4 OSHO]

Article Photo- Horizontal (March)

Robert Doetsch, aka Swami Ramateertha, on behalf of Osho Lotus Commune e.V. and supported by a group trying to gain control of the intellectual properties of Osho’s works, had tried since 2010 to invalidate a long-standing and well-known trademark.

Osho has been fighting in courts most of his life to defend his work from disgruntled disciples or from governments and religious organizations trying to destroy him and his work. Here we are 25 years after he left the planet, and still so-called disciples are using worldly courts, government authorities, and legal maneuvers to attack and damage the work of a mystic because they think they know better.

It became evident, from the nature of the submissions filed by Osho Lotus Commune e.V. and Robert Doetsch, that their sole purpose for attacking Osho’s long-registered EU trademark was an attempt to publically damage the integrity, goodwill, and reputation of Osho International Foundation – through repeated, malicious, false, deliberately confusing, and unsubstantiated statements.

The attitude of Doetsch in his fight against the mark OSHO became quite obvious in the wording of one of his legal argument: “The intentions of Osho himself are irrelevant.” He then expanded this argument to claim that even if Osho wanted his name protected, it should not be allowed as he is a “religious figure,” a designation Osho rejected his whole life.

Doetsch had for many years acknowledged and supported the foundation’s trademarks, including the OSHO mark. He then joined a group of dissidents and disgruntled followers with their agenda to steal or destroy the intellectual properties of Osho’s work – copyrights and trademarks. On this point the judges stated that Doetsch and Osho Lotus “has attempted to conceal its long standing association with OIF.

Doetsch had been hiding from the trademark office his previous close association with the foundation, including the fact that he was for a short time a director of the foundation and was involved during this time with legal matters of trademark registrations and copyright issues. In 1986, when Osho learned that Doetsch was on the Board of the international foundation, he directed his international secretary to immediately secure Doetsch’s resignation from the board of the foundation. Since Doetsch’s resignation at that time, Osho never included him in anything related to the administration or the continuation of his work again.

Osho Lotus and Doetsch further attempted to blur the clear legal distinction between trademarks and copyrights in order to confuse and mislead the (EUIPO) Board by referring repeatedly to copyright throughout the proceedings instead of trademark rights – trying to confuse the two very different issues. This clearly reveals their intentions of using the trademark case to destroy Osho’s intellectual property rights, and OIF role in administering those rights. Doetsch and his associates have publically promoted this agenda of attacking both these legal rights for years.

In its written decision the Intellectual Property Office addressed each of the accusations and fabricated claims made by Doetsch. They firmly rejected each claim on a point by point basis, describing them as irrelevant, insufficient, unfounded and/or based on misconceptions. Osho Lotus Commune e.V. or Robert Doetsch did not provide one shred of relevant evidence that supported their allegations.

In attacking the trademark and going against Osho’s request to protect his name and work, Doetsch tried any and every possible arguments, one of them claiming that OSHO cannot be a protected trademark because it is “descriptive” of a world-view and a complete philosophical system. That was also strongly rejected by the judges: “There is however no evidence that OSHO, beyond being a personal name and a reference to his teachings, has acquired over the years a descriptive meaning….”

Osho requested in 1989 that the Swiss Foundation be renamed to “Osho International Foundation” and that the presentation of his complete work, including his meditations and centers be re-branded “OSHO,” replacing the long standing brand of his previous name. The European Intellectual Property Office specifically acknowledged this by stating: “…the use of terms such as ‘Osho techniques,’ ‘Osho meditation facility,’ ‘Osho Meditation Centers’ by the [Foundation] itself… must be considered as trade mark use, since the [Foundation] operates under the name of OSHO, explicitly aims at promoting the lifework and visions of OSHO and consequently brands all its activities under this mark.”

The judges dismissed unanimously any objections by Doetsch against the use of the mark in “OSHO TIMES,” for “OSHO as author,” “Music from the World of Osho” as well as objections against other word combinations when used for example in advertisements and publications like “Osho Photo Project; Osho Dance Meditation Training; Osho Full Moon Camp; Osho Management Training; Osho Festival;… Osho Celebrations …; Osho Karate-Do; Osho Pulsation Training…”

Statements from numerous meditation teachers and so-called Osho Therapists filed in support of Doetsch were rejected by the judges. The therapists’ statements included either false information and/or they concealed their relationship with the Foundation, the fact that they had signed legally binding documents or were in fact not even using the mark OSHO anymore in their work. Interestingly many of these so-called therapists were financially entangled with Doetsch by working at his institute which was clearly understood by the judges who noted that “the conflict appears to be rather one of economic interests… than one of public policy or morality.” Strongly rejected was also any argument derived from therapists’ statements “that they were unaware of any trade mark rights when using the term OSHO.”

This decision confirms that “OSHO” meets the legal requirements of a trademark, like “distinctiveness” which is required “to identify goods and services” as originating from a particular source, in this case Osho International Foundation, “distinguishing the goods and services from those of other undertakings.” The fact that Osho had given the work of protecting and publishing this intellectual property to the Foundation, putting it under the guardianship of a specific group of people, was attacked by Doetsch as “monopolization” – a characterization completely dismissed by the judges.

Doetsch systematically mislead the trademark office by presenting a totally distorted context of Osho and his work, hiding the fact that practical and publishing aspects of Osho’s work had always been carried out under his guidance during his life-time by a foundation. And that Osho himself planned in detail the continuation of his work with a group of people which did not include Doetsch.

Also rejected were all attempts by Doetsch to repeatedly raise religious arguments, trying to compare “OSHO” to Buddha or other spiritual and mythical figures from the past. By trying to compare Osho to people who lived thousands of years ago, Doetsch tried to mislead and distract the trademark office from the fact that Osho is a modern contemporary, a highly educated person, living in a modern world which has laws and modern publishing and media services available to him; that Osho had his own personal lawyers and legal secretaries; that he initiated foundations and was hands on, personally involved in the publications of his books and works and signed legal documents related to trademarks and the copyrights to protect the integrity of his work.

Yes, while the name of Buddha and Jesus were surely not trademarked in ancient times and cannot be trademarked anymore today, Osho, as an individual of the 20th century, presents his vision and work in a modern world, using all available modern possibilities to protect his work. The Intellectual Property Office explained in this context: “OSHO, cannot be described as the spiritual head of a major world religion” and “equally unfounded is the [Doetsch’s] reliance on the meaning of the word OSHO in Japanese allegedly used to address a Buddhist teacher or monk.” Notable here is that even the Japanese trademark office had no problem to register OSHO as a trademark in Japan.

Doetsch’s claim that the mark OSHO must be freely available for business and activities of people who feel “inspired” by Osho was emphatically rejected by the judges who confirmed that OSHO is not in the “public domain” and therefore is not freely available to people feeling “inspired” by OSHO. They wrote: “Unlike ‘Buddha’, OSHO is not a name that belongs firmly in the public domain.”

The fictitious “moral outrage,” another of Doetsch’s arguments against the OSHO mark, was explicitly rejected by the Fourth Board of Appeal, stating: “There is no reason why a significant part of the public should be offended by the registration of the mark and no evidence that the mark has caused offence over the past 14 years while it was registered.” Even more clearly they state, “The Board finds it difficult to understand how use of the name of a spiritual leader in relation to these services could be considered as offensive by the relevant public.”

The judges also stated that the “argument that registration of OSHO would go against the feelings of his followers… and that public policy demands to respect not only major religions but also religious beliefs of minorities is based on a misconception….”

What is very telling is that none of these people, or anyone else for that matter, seem to have experienced, let alone expressed “moral outrage” or that their feelings were hurt during the twenty years during which Osho’s previous name was trademarked around the world.

The strong and detailed rejection of Doetsch’s attempt to cancel the mark makes it now undoubtedly clear that OSHO is not a name in the public domain, but is a legally protected trademark for Osho’s work. The mark is a valid mark in the 27 member states of the European Union and in 16 other countries around the globe.

With this decision the European Intellectual Property Office has defended the trademark “OSHO” from an attempt to remove trademark protection from Osho’s work – a protection by trademark law which has been in place since the 1970’s.

Osho International Foundation holds, protects, and actively licenses the copyrights of Osho’s works and the brand name OSHO since 1985 and 1989 respectively. Both protective legal concepts of copyright and trademarks were already legally implemented during Osho’s lifetime and have always been the legal framework to his work.

Any claims – as made by Doetsch and his supporters – that Osho wanted his work unprotected and freely available indiscriminately to everyone now, the exact opposite of the way Osho had arranged the management of his work for the twenty previous years, border on incomprehensible at best, and outright malicious at worst. Particularly from people who know exactly the details of those past twenty years. Specifically, it is clear these claims are absolutely false and there is no evidence for them whatsoever.

The decision also clarifies that in the online social media world, accounts and websites which use the mark or author name, OSHO and publish or offer infringing and/or unrelated services or products under the mark “OSHO” are infringements of the valid mark of the Foundation.

The issue of copyright ownership and protection of Osho’s work was also the subject of a similar case in which an Osho disciple tried to challenge Osho’s intellectual property rights. A decision by a US court in the Pat Lear US Copyright case (Case No. No. CV 82-5618), the Central District Court of California in a four-year-long case strongly confirmed copyright protection for Osho’s works and the ownership of these rights by the foundation. In these legal proceedings in 1985, Osho personally testified under oath and confirmed that he had assigned all his copyrights to the foundation.

Both cases explicitly confirmed that the mark OSHO and the copyrights of Osho’s works are not in the public domain, are not freely available for everybody to use or publish without permission of the foundation. This is exactly as his works were managed by the Foundation during Osho’s life, and continue to the present time, all based on his specific and detailed guidance, confirming what Osho put in place to protect the integrity of his work during his life and afterwards: to keep it, as he puts it, “Twenty-four carat gold.”

According to Osho, his transformative work is based on meditation, celebration, creativity, and contribution: overflowing energies that only a human can generate.

Everybody is invited and is welcome to contribute to his work as he has set it up, as an enlightening opportunity for all of humanity.

Osho Lotus Commune e.V. under the leadership of Robert Doetsch has now appealed this decision to the European General Court, claiming that the European Intellectual Property Office made two wrong decisions.

Watch this space.

Syndicated publication from OSHO TIMES International:


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484 Publishing Agreements Signed In 2015 for Works By the World’s Most Provocative Author!

I believe and trust absolutely in existence. If there is any truth in what I am saying, it will survive. I will remain a source of inspiration. I want people to know themselves, not to be according to someone else, and the way is meditation.”  — Osho

New ArrivalsOsho International Foundation looks back onto a record breaking year 2015 with 484 newly signed publishing agreements, more than one license for every day of the year, an impressive result and especially remarkable in times which are difficult for publishers in a dramatically changing landscape in the international publishing world.

At multiple international Book Fairs in New York, London, Frankfurt, Bologna, Rio, Seoul and others, representatives of the Foundation had opportunities to meet with many of Osho International’s publishers and literary agents who shared that books by Osho continue to be and grow in demand, especially with a new and young reader generation, including also celebrities like Willow and Jaden Smith or  British actress Emma Watson.


During 2015 licenses in 42 different languages have been signed or renewed and works by Osho are now available in more than 60 languages around the globe with more than 200 publishing houses, including Penguin Random House in several countries and St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan in New York. Just in Spanish language alone Osho books are published by  13 different Spanish language publishing houses. Burmese was the latest new language joining the growing Osho International language list.


During 2015 the number of Osho books published in Turkey grew to 101, in Russia currently 156 Osho titles are in print, topped by Italian and Spanish editions with more than 200 individual books available in the market.  Spanish literary agent Luis Martin Santos, representing the foundation’s titles to Spanish language publishers has moved Osho in 2015 significantly into the digital domain with growing numbers of eBooks, a license for Osho Talks to a Spanish Television channel and multiple “OSHO Collections”, series of books published and distributed by national newspapers in South America.

A generational change of editors in many international publishing houses shows that Osho is well known to a younger generation which embraces Osho’s rebellious spirit and spiritually provocative philosophy. Many editores shared that in these times of crisis and uncertainty Osho is a very appreciated author with a  life affirmative message, something appreciated by everybody, young and old.


“It becomes increasingly apparent that Osho’s books have a miraculous influence in Russia, inspiring people to make profound changes in their own lives and attitudes.” — Peter Lisovsky, Publisher, VES PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Petersburg

The more than 120 meetings during the year 2015  turned into a record number of publishing agreements. Most publishers expressed their interest to increase the number of Osho titles in their programs. Osho’s books are long term sellers and have record re-print editions.

Osho who is know all over the world for his introduction of active meditations, especially 2016 titleshis OSHO Dynamic Meditation, has also a perhaps not so much know political and socially revolutionary aspect to his work  which surprised many agents, publishers and editors when we presented two new books for 2016 which were emphatically embraced.

The expansion of Osho’s work into the digital and social media world has been dramatic in 2015. OSHO Facebook pages have more than 4.5 millions Osho fans in multiple languages and individual postings can reach more than 2 million people in no time. Video views on Osho International’s YouTube channel  increased by 66% in 2015 and we saw a large expansion in sales of eBooks by Osho.

A licensing deal with Amazon owned audiobook company brings now Osho’s original talks to millions of new people through theire web site and as well to iTunes.

Audiobook covers

For us here at Osho International it is simply fascinating to see how 25 years after Osho’s departure his books, videos, and audios are in higher demand and more popular and more available than ever during his lifetime. Today these books meet a more and more understanding readership and audiences, as he had predicted. OSHO Author Page at

Meditation For Busy People


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Emma Watson’s Most Important Romantic Advice

“Love never becomes wise, and that is its wisdom.”

Emma WatsonIn a recent interview a recent interview Emma Watson, British actress, model, and activist who rose to prominence in the Harry Potter film series, shared: “…for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a sense of self that I’m comfortable with.” In fact, it’s that uncertainty that fuels her on, in all aspects of her personal life. “Sit with the discomfort. Don’t run away from it. Lean into it, take your time with it,” she says — and that applies to romance, too, as she quoted Osho by saying, “Love never becomes wise, and that is its wisdom.”

Being in Love: How to Love with Awareness and Relate Without Fear, by Osho

Love, Freedom, Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships, by Osho

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OSHO: First in the Morning — Last in the Evening

(2) First and Last - Copy

Available in Paperback and all eBook Formats – Wherever Books Are Sold

While many of us might start our day with emails and news, we can easily agree that this is not be the most inspirational start of a day. And then falling asleep in front of a TV or a computer screen as so many do these days is known to disturb sleep patterns and dreams. Whatever we do at the end of the day somehow carries through our night and sleep.

First in the Morning by Osho gives you a different option to start your day in a more meditative way, to give your mind a taste of meditation that carries you through the day. Here readers find short text pieces for daily meditations and inspiration to start the day. Simply start each day by reading a suggested passage for that morning. The extracts in this book, along with its companion volume, Last in the Evening, are selected from intimate one-on-one talks with Osho. This book, with passages specially selected for the morning, is invaluable for those already familiar with meditation, as well as the newcomer to the world of the inner mind.

Last in the Evening gives you a different option to end your day in a more meditative way, to give you a taste and space of meditation which you can carry through the night. Enjoy the opportunity of sitting with yourself, being with yourself, available to your own subjectivity at the end of your day. Simply end each day by reading a suggested passage for that evening. The extracts in this book, along with its companion volume, First in the Morning, are selected from intimate one-on-one talks with Osho. This book, with passages specially selected for the evening, is invaluable for those already familiar with meditation, as well as the newcomer to the world of the inner.

  • Paperback: 260 pages    Publisher: Osho Media       Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1938755828                           ISBN-13: 978-1938755835
  • eBook: ISBN-13: 978-0-88050-619-9 |  eBook ISBN-13: 978-0-88050-620-5
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OSHO International Foundation Trademarks


Trademark Notice OSHO

OSHO® is a registered Trademark of Osho International Foundation (“OIF”). The mark is registered in many countries, in multiple trademark classes and for a wide range of goods and services. The Foundation operates under the name of OSHO, while promoting the lifework and visions of the mystic OSHO, and consequently brands all of its activities under this mark, as requested by Osho. The OSHO trademark mark is distinctive and identifies goods and or services originating from a particular source: Osho International Foundation as well as authorized licensees.

OSHO is not a name in the public domain but is a protected trademark.

Link to The European Trademark Office (“OHIM”) database entry for one of the OSHO

All trademarks, tradenames, service marks, logos, designs and trade styles on this site are owned by Osho International Foundation. Proper use is limited to use in connection with the products and services of the mark owner and no other use is permitted without the owner’s prior written permission. Marks owned by OIF include but are not limited to:


OSHO Active MeditationsTM:

OSHO Dynamic Meditation;  OSHO Prayer Meditation
OSHO Kundalini Meditation;  OSHO Chakra Sounds Meditation
OSHO Gourishankar Meditation;  OSHO Chakra Breathing Meditation
OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation;  OSHO Whirling Meditation
OSHO Mandala Meditation;  OSHO No Dimensions Meditation
OSHO Golden Light Meditation;  OSHO Nataraj Meditation
OSHO Devavani Meditation;  OSHO Heart Meditation

OSHO Meditative TherapiesTM:

OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO No-Mind, OSHO Born Again, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Body/Mind

OSHO Meditations, OSHO Rebalancing®, OSHO Craniosacral Balancing® OSHO Divine Healing, OSHO Tibetan Pulsing, OSHO Bardo, OSHO Vision®, OSHO Glimpse®, OSHO Times, OSHO Zen Tarot, OSHO Transformation Tarot, OSHO Talks, OSHO Audio, OSHO Video, OSHO International Meditation Resort, OSHO Multiversity, OSHO Mystery School®, Music from the World of OSHO, OSHO Art, OSHO Festival, OSHO Books. OSHO International is a registered business name.

The following are also registered trademarks of Osho International Foundation:


The OSHO mark in combination with many other word like ‘OSHO Techniques’ or ‘OSHO Meditation Centers’ are in use and acknowledged as trademark use.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the above marks, contact:

Please Note:

No permission is required to use any of the marks as an accurate factual reference to the practice or teaching of Osho Meditation techniques, provided you as user accurately identify yourself by your own name (not including Osho as part of the name unless you are our licensee). The only restriction is that if you are teaching or presenting Osho Meditations publicly, you need to ensure that what you are offering is as described and presented in detail on the meditation area of, or in the book Meditation: The First and Last Freedom, by Osho with the correct title, for example, OSHO Dynamic Meditation, and accompanied by the music specifically created for that meditation.

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OSHO: Meditation: The First and Last Freedom

The First Upgrade to Meditation Since Buddha’s Time

In thisMeditation F&L_cover essential meditation handbook for the 21st century, Osho turns the traditional notion of meditation practice on its head. Meditation: The First and Last Freedom shows that meditation is not a spiritual discipline separate from everyday life in the real world. In essence, it is simply the art of being aware of what is going on inside and around us. As we acquire the knack, meditation can be our companion wherever we are-at work, at play, at rest.

Meditation contains practical, step-by-step guides to a wide variety of meditation techniques selected by and/or created by Osho, including the unique OSHO Active Meditations which deal with the special tensions of contemporary life. Recognizing that it’s almost impossible for most people these days just to stop and sit silently, these meditations – including the Osho Dynamic Meditation and Osho Kundalini Meditation – begin with one or more stages of vigorous physical activity. This brings our physical and mental energies to a peak, so that the following silence is easy — leaving us alert, refreshed, and newly energized.

Newly revised and resized into a handy portable format, Meditation is the perfect text to begin or continue exploring the joys of meditation.

  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: St. Martin’s Press / Griffin
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-0312336639
  • eBook:
  • File Size: 467 KB
  • Publisher: Osho Media International
  • ISBN-13: 9780880507721

This book is available in many languages from different publishers.

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OSHO: The Chakra Book

Chakra Book-OSHOThe Chakra Book: Energy and Healing Power of the Subtle Body

In this volume, Osho gives an overview of the Eastern science behind the energy centers in the human body that are sometimes known as chakras. It is a science that underlies traditional Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurveda, and the practice of kundalini yoga, among other disciplines that recognize the deep connection between mind and body. Osho also shows how these same principles apply to human psychological growth and maturation and the evolution of consciousness.

Amazon|  Barnes&Noble | BAM! | Book Depository |  Others | Kindle | iBook | Kobo | BAM! | eBook Mall |

Self-help, Spirituality, Psychology, Meditation, Esoteric, New Age, Health, Yoga. The title will especially of interest to the large group of people involved with Yoga, as the book describes in simple terms, using everyday experiences as examples, what underlies the Kundalini Yoga approach to the human energy system. The Chakra Book delivers the ‘esoteric science’ and understanding in the context of personal growth and transformation.

Paperback: 224 pages, Publisher: Osho Media International (June 9, 2015), Language: English Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1938755958 eBook  ISBN-13: 978-0-88050-994-7, List Price: $14.95 |$7.99

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