Jesus: Son of God or Mystic? / Osho

Jesus: Son of God or Mystic?  

What if Jesus were not a supernatural being conceived by a virgin, but a real human being who had experienced the awakening of consciousness known as “enlightenment” in the East? This extraordinary line-by-line commentary on some of the best-known New Testament Gospels from Matthew and John tests the hypothesis that Jesus was a mystic, not a miracle worker of supernatural origin. Osho convincingly makes the case that the stories of Jesus’ life were never meant to be a factual record of history, but rather are teaching parables designed to provide ongoing spiritual guidance for generations to come. I Say Unto You introduces a dynamic, compassionate, intelligent, loving Jesus, who speaks in a plain and simple way that everyone can understand. Osho looks with a crystal-clear perception at Jesus’ work, revealing the parables and miracles as metaphors of the inner world. He gives insight into Jesus’ own search, and his journeys to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Kashmir and Tibet that transformed him into one of the most evolved masters of the paths of love and meditation. His insights are so relevant for today’s societies where the sharp functioning of the mind is more valued than the intelligence of the heart.

 Series: OSHO Classics  Title: I Say Unto You, by Osho Paperback: 250 pages              Publisher: Osho Media International; (December 10, 2013)                                                Language: English ISBN-13: 978-938755002; eBook: 978-0880509923

Print edition: Amazon  Barnes & Noble  BAM!  Other Sources                                            eBook edition: Kindle  Nook  iBook  Kobo  Others


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